Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back in Finland

Well its certainly been a little while since the last blog. My move from Australia to Finland via Africa has certainly kept me busy the last months. Thanks to the shipping strike in Finland, I'm still waiting for most of my camera equipment. its sitting in a container on the docks ...Any how, on with the snow..whoops...show! Here are a couple of snaps from my friends Christening a couple of weeks ago...its difficult for me to go to an event without at least one camera...and a few lenses...very different vibe than a wedding.....:)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Photoshoot on Zanzibar Island (East Africa)

After a 3 day epic journey from Africa to Finland, I finally now sit amongst 1 metre of snow and minus 13 degrees. A far cry from the photoshoot in Zanzibar where it was 35 degrees every day and surrounded by the blue sea. A big thank you to everyone that participated in the photoshoot for the hotel, it was a lot of fun...the cocktails weren't too bad either...